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Venues with gardens for rent in London

If you want to organise an event and are looking for a venue with stunning outside space in London you are in the right place! On our website, you will find the best venues for all your events. Whether you are organising a wedding, a birthday party or a private party, our teams will find the venue that perfectly matches your requirements. We have something for everyone, a hotel, bar, rooftop or even flat, you will find on our website the venue you need to organise the event of your dreams. For an event of 50 guests or 1000 guests, we have all types of rooms. Whether you are a company, an individual or a student association, our teams will accompany you and take care of your event from A to Z. Fill in our quote request form and one of our partners will contact you within 48 hours.

The 5 best venues with garden available for rent in London

A loft with gardens in London

icone localisation


icone capacité

up to 150 people

icone capacité

daytime and evenings until 5am


prices on request

Modern and surprising, this loft is a must in the capital with its garden.

A pavilion with gardens ideally located in London

icone localisation


icone capacité

150--250 people

icone capacité

daytime and evenings until 5am


prices on request

Unique and ideally located, this pavilion will be perfect for your events of all kinds.

A stunningly decorated hotel in London

icone localisation


icone capacité

300-600 people

icone capacité

daytime and evenings until 5am


prices on request

Located close to the centre of London, this hotel is at your disposal for all your private parties.

A unique lounge bar in the centre of London

icone localisation


icone capacité

up to 1100 people

icone capacité

daytime and evenings until 5am


prices on request

Boasting a floral setting, this beautifully decorated lounge bar is perfect for a cocktail party or reception.

A rooftop with hanging gardens in the centre of London

icone localisation


icone capacité

250-2000 people

icone capacité

daytime and evenings until 5am


prices on request

With its large bar and unique garden, this rooftop will make your event a memorable one.

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